Friday, September 19, 2008

Code Review Vol. 7 - Automated JS Loading, Reformatting and Injecting with ActionScript 3.0

Based on my previous post I then abstracted a bit further. Instead of having the JavaScript embedded directly in the ActionScript I read it in, reformat it to fit my needs and then inject it into the page. I use the same instance for all file loadings so I don't store any of the values in class properties and I make my own asynchronous token pattern since it's pure AS3 and not Flex. I'll do a full walk through at a later date.

public class JSInjector extends EventDispatcher
public function JSInjector()

public function loadExternalJS(url:String):void

public function readFile(url:String):void
var ldr:ASyncTokenURLLoader = new ASyncTokenURLLoader()
ldr.ASyncToken = url
ldr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE , loadComplete,false,0,true);
ldr.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, jsloadError,false,0,true);

var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

private function loadComplete(event:Event):void
var e:AsynTokenEvent = new AsynTokenEvent(AsynTokenEvent.ASYNC_LOADED)
e.token =

private function jsloadError(e:IOErrorEvent):void


private function formatJS(js:String):void
js = formatFunctionDefinitions(js);
js = formatGlobalVarDefinition(js)
js = js.split("var ").join(" ")

private function formatGlobalVarDefinition(js:String):String
var gvarSCPattern:RegExp =/var\s\w+\s?[^=](?=;\r|\n)/gixm
js = js.replace(gvarSCPattern, '$& = ""')
return js

private function formatFunctionDefinitions(js:String):String

var functionPattern:RegExp =/function[\s?](\w+)/gim
var newFunctionSource:String = js.replace(functionPattern, "$1 = function")
return newFunctionSource

private function injectJS(js:String):void
var externalJS:String = "function(){ "+js+" }";



1 comment:

cmoore said...

Is there any source for the ASync Loader?